Certain public bodies manage the reporting requirements for their employees being provided an emergency vehicle in the performance of their duties (e.g. an unmarked police car, fire vehicle, etc.). These are considered assets placed at the employee's disposal for reporting purposes.

Manual calculation and reporting requirements (Sample).

1. Value of Asset     £25,000
2. 20% of Asset Value    £5,000
3. Plus any running costs£1,000
4. Less employee contribution £2,000
5. Cash equivalent £4,000this is the figure used for Class 1A NIC
6. Less business proportion – (mileage)£2,000
7. Employee Benefit figure£2,000this is the figure used for P11D tax purposes

How to enter this into the P11D Organiser

Enter the Elements in 1.  as shown below.


The resulting saved benefit record for Section L


This will sort out the tax position from the employee’s perspective but the employer’s Class1A charge for the additional business mileage needs to be re-introduced.

To do this, create a Section M (Other) element for this - shown below - Click Add

Click Add to create the Benefit Type if this does not already exist. If it does exist, select this type and click OK.

Adding new Benefit Type - Fill in as shown below:

Click OK to save this type and use it for the person selected previously.

Enter the Amount of “mileage” that needs adjusting and add the same value in Made Good and click to Save.

The result will show a zero tax position for the employee….

….and create an adjustment for that value on the P11D(b)


The resulting P11D(b)