Available from the Tools menu, this option provides a method that can be run to check benefit assignments are in keeping with employee start or leaving dates.  e.g. check to see that a car assignment has an 'end date' set to reflect the car deallocation for a company leaver.

The alignment tool can perform this routine applied to a choice of lookups/scope:-

  • This employee
  • This lookup
  • This employer
  • Everybody (all employees for all employers)

Any records that the tool discovers appearing to have misaligned benefits are displayed in surname order and by benefit type with selectable options for each:

ViewStop the alignment and go directly to view the record that appears to require attention.
IgnoreIgnore this specific record and move on to the next alignment query (e.g. employee kept a company car beyond their official company “leaving date”
Ignore All
Ignore all alignment queries of this benefit type and move on to the next type.
AdjustAdjust the record to match the Date of Leaving or Date of commencement
Adjust All
Adjust all benefit records of this type globally (e.g. company policy to always end a car in line with an employee’s leaving date for all employees)
Delete a benefit assignment that conflicts with the date of leaving or commencement (e.g. a car record that was first assigned to an employee after the date that they left the company)
Delete All
Delete all benefit assignments that conflicts with the date of leaving or commencement (e.g. all car record that was first assigned to an employee after the date that they left the company)
Cancel the alignment tool and return to the main system.