You want to email out your benefits statements (or P11Ds), but there are people in the system that have left the business - how do you ensure that the leavers aren't sent emails?

There are two answers to this

  1. The first is to ensure that the email addresses are removed from the leavers employee records, then when you build the list of employees with benefits for emailing, the leavers are excluded automatically. You can either remove the addresses manually, or use the employee import/update routines.
  2. The second is to build a list and make sure people with leaving dates are removed from your lookup - the steps below walk you through the process of creating that lookup:

Step One - Build a lookup of all employee with expenses and benefits:

First, select the Setup Filter option:

Then from the next screen, select All employees with benefits, This Employer and hit filter:

You will get a lookup of all employees with benefits (334 in this case):

Step Two - Remove the leavers
Then select the setup filter option again, and on the next screen select All employees with a date of leaving, Active Lookup, and then hit the MinusĀ icon:

This will then give you a lookup from before, but without the leavers (330 now):

Then you have a lookup to use when emailing: