Manual data entry
Benefit and expenses records are assigned to an employee record within the system. The software will require a certain amount of information in order to calculate a benefit in kind value. The information required to be entered is particular to each section of the P11D.

How to manually enter a Section H benefit:

Select the employee record to that you wish to assign the benefit to then press the "Employee Benefits" button in the bottom right-hand side of the window.  

Click the ADD button.

Select from the list of existing benefit descriptions for this P11D section and click OK - or click the ADD button to enter a new benefit description of your own.

If you decide to ADD a new loan type you will be taken to the loan setup screen. By default loans are created as 'Non Qualifying', you would only need to change this to 'Qualifying' if the loan you are creating is subject to something like MIRAS or some other tax exempt loan.

You can then enter the name of the loan your are creating and choose the calculation method - usually Actual Monthly.

The following data points are used to calculate the benefit in kind for this benefit type:

  • Method: Selection to change the recommended default type of "Actual Monthly"
  • Currency: Selection to change the recommended default type of "Sterling"
  • Opening balance & opening date 
  • Closing balance & closing date            
  • Maximum balance 
  • Interest already paid by employee

Having entered the required data points to calculate the BIK value, click SAVE to save the benefit record.

The BIK record will be saved and displayed successfully.