There is functionality within the P11D Organiser to connect to payroll databases to populate your system with employee data. This guide will help you connect to the EARNIE payroll system if you are an IRIS customer.

Firstly download the Payroll systems using the update function in the software. Go to Help > About P11D Organiser > Software Live Update to get to the location where you can download the connector.

Once there, on this window, you will need to click the little [ ∨ ] button to select the payroll system

Once selected, this will be downloaded.

Once complete, from the main screen select the Connect Payroll button on the left (see below) - this icon will take you to the connection screen.

Once there, select your Payroll system

You need to Right Click on the Connect button to connect to a connector.

Enter your payroll database details, and then click Find Now to locate the database, and then OK when it finds the database.

And then you should a screen similar to this:

Click OK to continue.

Then you should see this, select the tickbox on the system Or systems) you wish to add, and click Connect.

Proceed through the resulting windows by clicking Yes, but making sure the numbers stated on these screens align with your expectations.