Sometimes it is necessary to restart mailing from a certain point, maybe because of a PC issue or emailing issue outside of your control. The P11D Organiser will let you start emailing from a specific point in a list.

Unless you have made specific changes, the P11D Organiser issues emails in alphabetical order, so you can use the 'sent items' list to find the last employee that was emailed. Access to the sent items list from the icon on the lower left of any Reports Screen.

This will display a list of sent emails (newest at the top) - note the name down.

When you have established the last employee mailed, follow the usual process (see here) to create the lookup of employees you want to mail (as before). Then highlight the next employee (the one you noted down earlier) in the list as the start point of the process:

Then Right Click on the next employee icon in the bottom right:

You will see a dialogue asking if you want to create a lookup from that employee to the end of the list:

Select Yes, then proceed with the emailing process as normal, ensuring you select This Lookup when the option is offered: