Available from the Tools menu:

Company van legislation allows some private use to occur. Company van drivers are allowed to take vans home to their ordinary home-to-work commute without incurring a charge. This is defined as restricted private use and can include 'insignificant' private journeys such as minor detours on the way to work for the driver to buy a newspaper. However, if a company van is used by the driver whilst on holiday or to make the weekly supermarket shop, then this is not deemed by HMRC to be insignificant, and the charge applies.  

This option from the Tools menu allows you to set these across various scopes:

  • This employee
  • This lookup
  • This employer
  • Everybody (all employee in all companies)

The options are:

  • Vans are only available for business use and "incidental" private use
  • Vans are available for both business AND private use 

Having chosen the desired setting, the system will pop-up a dialogue box to confirm the recalculation of all the effected records: