*** Please Note: You should only need to use the full P11D Organiser setup if you are a new customer ***

If you are looking at moving an installation, then please click here

If you are looking at adding a new PC/workstation to an exiting installation, then please click here

P11D Organiser Installation Options for new installations

Although the P11D Organiser can be installed in one of two ways, we would ALWAYS recommend that it is installed on a network share/NAS/server, however if required, it can be installed on a stand-alone PC. Please note that the share needs to be a standard SMB share and must not be a SharePoint or 'synced' drive (like a DFS) such as OneDrive or GoogleDrive (see this article: Use of GoogleDrive, OneDrive, DropBox, SharePoint (or similar)).

A network installation is always superior - it allows for multi-user access, means that PC upgrades and changes will have no effect on the existing data, and also ensure that corporate IT policies handle backup of data.

Before you start...

You will require full administration rights for the local machine and to know the location where the installation is to be made if different (installing onto a NAS/File Server/etc.).

Installing the P11D Organiser on your Server or PC

The P11D Organiser is installed onto a Network Attached Storage (NAS) Device, File Server, shared drive, etc. and each client runs the software from that location. This will require a Workstation Installation procedure to be run on the additional machines wishing to run the application.

Install the P11D Organiser by following the steps below:-

1. Start - Double Click the "Setup.exe" that you have downloaded and extracted from the zip file. The link will have been provided as part your welcome email.

2. Folder creation - If this is the first time the installer has been run on this machine you may be prompted to allow the creation of the program data, click OK.

3. Confirmation - You will now see a screen to start the installation, click Next.

4. License Agreement - Click the radio button to accept the license agreement and click Next.

5. Customer Identification - You will be prompted to enter a user name and company name, enter the details (normally your company name and the main user) and click Next

6. Destination Folder - You will be presented with the default location for an installation, if you are installing on a network drive click change.

7. Destination Path - You will now be able to choose a new location for the installation, this can either be a mapped drive or a UNC path that is entered in the 'Folder Name' area at the bottom (for example \\servername\Payroll\P11D\).

8. Confirmation - You are now ready to start the installation so click on the Install button, remember that you will need Admin rights on the PC to complete this task.

9. Progress - The application will now be installed.

10. Completion - When complete, simply click the Finish button.

The installation process will have created a P11D Organiser shortcut on the user’s desktop to launch the system from the correct installation location. The user’s PC will also have a new program entry accessible using the Windows Start bar.

First Run - New Customers

When you first run the P11D Organiser you will be asked to Register the product - you will need to enter the serial number and customer name EXACTLY as shown on you New Customer mail:

Adding Users

When setting up the P11D Organiser for the first time use you will need to log in as ADMIN to create users for the system. When prompted for a email address and password, use ADMIN as the email address and the password you were issued in the New Customer email.

Adding the First User

Once you have added the ADMIN user and logged in, you will be presented with the current Users of the system - initially, there will be just ADMIN. Click the ADD button at the bottom to add your first User.

Enter the name of the new user, along with the corresponding email address, and also select what Roles you want the user to have:

When you click OK, you will then have to enter the password that user will user to log in:

After this, logout of the admin side of the software, and then login with the new user you have created.

Adding more workstations

Please refer to the guide linked here to add further workstations to the installation.